Barabel (3)
Basic info

First appearance: Thrawn Trilogy, Book 2 - Dark Force Rising


Barabel were a species of sentient cold-blooded reptilians native to the dark, murky world Barab I. A highly aggressive and territorial species, Barabel who traveled off their homeworld often found work as fringers or soldiers. Barabel were a bipedal race of reptilians who were covered in very tough, dark-colored scales. The Barabel evolved from nocturnal lizards and adapted a thick layer of fat which allowed them to retain their body temperature when temperatures dropped. A blaster set on stun would not damage them at all or slow them down, as it would merely bounce off their scales. Barabel were able to shed their tails if necessary, an ability that proved the undoing of many startled foes. They also possessed heavy retractable claws along with needle sharp teeth which could grow to be 5 centimeters in length. A carnivorous species, Barabel possessed two stomachs in order to process the massive amount of food they required to survive. For breeding, Barabel devised a system in which the nest eggs of two females were fertilized by two males. Subsequently, the four individuals protected the nest. As fathers would end up not knowing which of the offspring were their own, Barabel younglings took the surname of their mothers.

Complete list

Improvised Weapon (Any Figure) Hoth Weather Shelter - A : Payload 0748 : Enhance : Hidden in the Shadows
SWTCG : Cards
Improvised Weapon (Any Figure)
Hoth Weather Shelter - A : Payload
0748 : Enhance : Hidden in the Shadows

Last updated: 08.05.2021 22:18:34